Friday, January 7, 2011

Better Late Than Never..

The following blog is one that I started writing sometime ago.. I don't really know why I didn't finish it at the time, but I figured why not add on and finish it sooner rather than later.  Everyone knows about this one, is a love/hate thing many call double standards:

Well, quite a topic this one is, I try will to keep my views on this subject pointed and interesting for you all and would love your own opinions in comments on the post.  By beginning I do not like the term double standards because it carries such a negative hypocritical connotation.  I believe it is important to differentiate between hypocritical views people may have, and things that have become standards for the many different groups in society.  Unfortunately the too often these two concept tend to be lumped together under the same umbrella of "double standards," a term I feel that us far too general to be used in description of specific situations.

That last paragraph is what I had begun with, and I can't lie I have no idea where I was going with that.  I must have been reading some real academic type things since I used I whole bunch of big words.  But, those are just some sidebar observations on what I read....

As for the issue of double or multiple standards, I find that they are merely a sign of the change of times and the lack of complacency that different groups find with the roles that they have grown to embody in society.  These double standards only arise because I one point and time there was much truth behind them.  They aren't a problem until the same group that once made the standard wants to up and change their roles.  Unfortunately by the time the group that established the standard wants to be viewed in a different light, the standard is already to deeply rooted in the subconscious of the majority that continues to force that group to stick to their former role.

Both with double and general standards, there must be some room for flexibility and change.  This is due to the fact that all things change with time.  Unfortunately the battle against these multiple standards for different groups in society is always an uphill one because it is always a minority group trying to change the majority view.  Since there is power in numbers often time old out-dated standards of views last much longer than time should allow.  But, the battle is on going and whether you know it or not you're on the frontlines in your day to day life with the things you say and do.

What up doe,

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