Saturday, July 31, 2010

Once You Go Black You Never Go Back

It's a little funny to think that just a year ago all my phone did was send and receive text messages and make calls.  Now I get emails, handle my banking, tweet, upload a pictures to Facebook, and even edit Word documents.  A year ago I would have probably felt lost with out my phone for a day, having no ability to text or call (because a landline would be useless since I know practically no numbers from memory).  But NOW... I would feel lost if I was forced to regress back to using my old LG Voyager!  Just take a second and think about your own connectivity... Can you remember what you wasted hours doing before you had Facebook?  Did you randomly announce your thoughts and actions out loud before you created that Twitter account?

When I take a step back and look at my increased connectivity and dependence on technology, I find that it has become just as much a caveat as it is useful to me.  My Blackberry is such a utility to me in the way that I can look up the weather, directions, find out what time the movie I want to see is showing and buy the tickets at the same time, and so much more.  But I'm not sure if my Blackberry and technology in general has made me more efficient or just plain lazier?

Some of the positives:
1. Better organization (hypothetically if I actually use my calendar)
2. More time on my hands to be productive (this might go under negatives too)
3. The ability to look up just about anything
4. Entertainment/media with a professional look
5. (insert your answer here)

Some of the negatives:
1. Often an interruption/ distraction (slowing the process of writing this blog)
2. More time on my hands to be lazy
3. Dependence for simple things like remembering a phone number
4. Becoming less social (being on your phone when you are around others, texting instead of calling, etc.)
5. (insert your answer here)

So.. I guess it comes down to which of these positives and negative is weighted the most on your own personal scales.  But at the end of the day it doesn't really matter if technology and connectivity is more positive or negative because both will increase for the rest of our lives.  I feel like it is important sometime to take a step back and look at what you have come from and where you are now, see what has changed , why it has changed, and simply look at the ultimate affects of those changes.

Thats just me though...


Sunday, July 25, 2010

"I'm Not A Writer, I'm A Biter"

When I first told someone very close to me that I just made a blog, they simply responded: "You're not a writer."  Though these words lacked any kind of support or encouragement in the news that I just gave her, they were exactly what sparked the fire that gave me the idea I needed to write my inaugural post.  I have to admit, I would never consider writing my strong suite, and I doubt I would have gotten an urge to start a blog with out some outside influences.  Hence the second part of the title explained. Shout out to the following blogs: The Wacko Monologueslolitzdo.comEff Everything, & Gerald's Ink Blot.

As to my writing credentials.. I have gone to school for all my life and been forced to write countless seemingly pointless essays, poems, and research papers.  Back in high school I actually wrote for my school's news paper, The Buzz, and even had my own advice column.  But now my public writing hiatus has ended so I guess I'M BACK like T.I.P.  And if thats not enough certification for you.. Then you can stop reading.. HERE (sorry for wasting your time). But back to the point of this post:

What is a "writer"? And why am I not one?  You can add your input but I feel like a writer is no more than a person with thoughts in their head as well as the ability and medium to express them in some written form.  So I guess I haven't been a writer because I've been lacking on the ability part (or maybe confidence to pursue the ability), as well as the medium (I guess this blog serves as my medium now).. But I know that I have always had a head FULL of thoughts.  In writing this I think I'm showing an ability to do so (?), or at least giving it a sad attempt.  In making this page to blog on I definitely have the medium now to write freely on the things that flow through my mind, so I guess this is like orientation or my first day of class..  Dare to say I am becoming a writer?! (chilll)

But to the blog world... HELLO.. Goodmorning!
