Tuesday, November 16, 2010

That's Just The Way It Is..

WOW how things have changed as I faded from the blog game after my immaculate conception in the blog world.  Since the point of this blog was never to talk about my personal life I won't bore you my stories, instead I'll make the subject of my return change.  Que piano's and catchy hook that we all know "That's just the way it is, (da da dun da da dun da da dun) Things will never be the same!"(Maybe its just me but thats the first thing that pops in my head whenever I hear the word changes).

ANYWAY, from my own personal journey I find that changes come in many different ways for many different reasons.  You may make a conscious decision to change to meet a personal goal or to adapt to others.  Change in habits could also take place subconsciously and you may not even realize that you're now doing something due to subliminal advertising in mass media.  Reasons for change vary from having seeing a movie, reading a book, hearing a story, having a baby, etc.  The list is endless.  Change is something we all go through, it is what makes us human.  We grow physically and mentally throughout our lives, and if you aren't then you need to take a step back an make some changes (that of course excludes those with mental and physical genetic barriers).

Now you're probably saying "DUH" to all things I've just explained about change, how and why it comes. Call me captain obvious if you want but how often do you really think about the changes you have made in life and why?  Maybe you don't find a need to, but growth can also come from taking a step back and reflecting on the past.  That was a bit irrelevant to the topic at hand...  The general conclusion my rambling is coming to is that change is good, and you should always remain open to it.  At the end of the day if you are spending time avoiding or pushing away change you are stunting your own growth.  I don't know about you but if I'm stunting anything that means I'm doing it BIG.. not making myself smaller.  Sometimes changes are hard, sometimes they come without warning, so don't get to comfortable because there are very few guarantees in life and change is one of them...

You probably don't care about all so here's a music video you probably haven't watched in awhile:

What up doe,

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